Coalition of The Wanting
The founders of the National Coalition say theirs is a permanent coalition comprising Golkar, the PDI-P, PPP, PDS, PKPB and a number of smaller parties. But it can be categorized as a temporary coalition over one specific issue: the formation of a new government under the leadership of President Megawati and Vice President Hasyim Muzadi.
The formation of this coalition is a valid political move, but what merits further scrutiny is the launching of the mobilization plan. This is because state officials may be involved, who by law must remain neutral, and also because the act of mobilizing supporters contradicts the main aim of democracy: to uphold people\'s sovereignty. TEMPO takes a close look at this "Coalition of the Wanting.
Keywords :
The 2004 General Election ,
Keywords :
The 2004 General Election ,
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683 -
Tanggal Upload :
08-02-2013 -
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Tanggal Edisi
2004-08-30 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
Road Rage Ladia Galaska Investigated -
Coalition of The Wanting
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