Power Games
WITH the detention of suspended Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) leaders Bibit Rianto and Chandra M Hamzah, the police are baring their teeth. The move is being seen as a race against the circulation of transcripts of taped phone conversations between suspects under KPK investigation and members of the Attorney General’s Office, among others. The conversations allegedly relate to a “high level” conspiracy aimed at jailing Chandra and Bibit. Not surprisingly, many people believe this is all designed to conceal the truth. And most troubling of all is that the two suspended anti-graft leaders may be the victims of manipulation.
Keywords :
KPK , Bibit Samad Rianto , Chandra M Hamzah ,
Keywords :
KPK , Bibit Samad Rianto , Chandra M Hamzah ,
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05-03-2013 -
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