Hard-Core Corruption
THE suspects in the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry case claim that Rp1.5 billion was to have been given to Minister Muhaimin Iskandar, as compensation for facilitating the way for PT Alam Jaya Papua to win the transmigration infrastructure project. The total value of the project, which would have covered 19 transmigration areas, reached Rp500 billion.
People close to Muhaimin have been indicted for their involvement in the planning and discussion of the project’s budget at the DPR Budget Committee. The minister immediately attempted to set things straight: the people involved were not members of his staff. How was the budget, intended to speed up regional infrastructure development, discussed and divided? Another Tempo investigative report on corruption.
Keywords :
Muhaimin Iskandar ,
Keywords :
Muhaimin Iskandar ,
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06-03-2013 -
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2011-09-20 -
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Hard-Core Corruption
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