Speak No Evil
THE escapade of Nunun Nurbaetie, a fugitive in the bribery case involving 1999-2004 legislators on the election of Bank Indonesia’s senior deputy governor, came to an abrupt end last week. She was arrested in a rented house in Bangkok, one of many cities she fl ew in and out of during the nine months she was on the run. Claiming to be suffering from amnesia when she was summoned for questioning almost a year ago, Nunun seemed alert and intelligent when she was extradited back to Jakarta. The question still remains: who took all the trouble to protect Nunun and whose money paid for the Rp24 trillion bribe?
Keywords :
Nunun Nurbaetie ,
Keywords :
Nunun Nurbaetie ,
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Tanggal Upload :
06-03-2013 -
17/12 -
Tanggal Edisi
2011-12-27 -
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PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
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Interview: New KPK Head, Abraham Samad -
Speak No Evil
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