Betrayal Of Justice
THE KPK has indicted Akil Mochtar on bribery charges in a dispute over the election results of a regional chief executive. Last Wednesday, he was caught red-handed accepting money in his offi cial residence in South Jakarta. The chief justice of the Constitutional Court is suspected of ‘manipulating’ the electoral dispute of Gunung Mas regency in South Kalimantan and that of Lebak regency in Banten province. But suspicions are strong that Akil did not act alone. Many others may have been involved. Who make up Akil’s network? How do they operate?
Keywords :
Akil Mochtar , ,
Keywords :
Akil Mochtar , ,
Views :
856 -
Tanggal Upload :
06-10-2013 -
07/14 -
Tanggal Edisi
2013-10-07 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek Corruption
Cover Story
Interview: BI Governor Agus Martowardojo; Economy: APEC Summit; OUTREACH: Radio Active -
Betrayal Of Justice
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