Helping Hands: Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy’s Arbitrary Selection of Officials
Helping Hands: Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy’s Arbitrary Selection of Officials
A Minister today can no longer arbitrarily appoint echelon-1 offi cials, because Law No. 5/2014 on the State Civil Apparatus requires all offi cials to be selected by a panel. But State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy Chrisnandi found a way to go around the law. With the authority vested in him, he reportedly managed to organize selection panels so that people of his own choosing would take specifi c positions. Many expert staff in a number of ministries are suspected of being his henchmen. Has the irregular moves of one of his cabinet escaped President Jokowi’s notice?
Outreach: Arms and tradition
Weapons are part of tribal identity in Indonesia. Their functions were once diverse, from self-defense to showing off one’s social positions, to rejecting misfortune and helping to fi nd one’s life-partner. Today, few believe weapons are imbued with any special powers. Nevertheless, traditional communities are discovering and preserving this ancient heritage. Matius Ala from Kecukuh hamlet in Kalimantan devotes time to restoring the mandau, a Dayak tribal sword, working with local craftsmen to ensure its artistry. In the village of Baet Lampuot, in Greater Aceh, a number of Syiah Kuala University students are reviving the tradition of making rencong, the uniquely Aceh blade, and in the process, revitalizing some 13 local workshops. A report by Tempo English in the wake of National Awakening Day on May 20.
Economy: The return of Bulog
The government plans to restore the functions of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog), supplier of rice and other staples, the way it was during the New Order regime under Suharto. What it means is that Bulog will change to a non-profi t entity focussed on ensuring food sustainability. Meanwhile the government also plans to establish the National Food Board. Where will that put Bulog? As the regulator.
Keywords :
Yuddy Chrisnandi , ,
Keywords :
Yuddy Chrisnandi , ,
Views :
795 -
Tanggal Upload :
21-06-2015 -
44/15 -
Tanggal Edisi
2015-06-28 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
Hands-on reform; Economy: The return of Bulog;Outreach: Arms and tradition; Interlude: Timor-Leste stolen generations -
Helping Hands: Bureaucratic Reform Minister Yuddy’s Arbitrary Selection of Officials
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