Short Circuit: China again gets the inside running on PLN’s new power program
PLN is relying heavily on investors from China to develop its 35,000 MW power capacity, which is targeted for completion by 2019. Its selection process has prompted suspicions that bidding requirements were manipulated to exclude other interested and qualifi ed parties. Can Indonesia afford this exclusive ‘power’ connection given the less-than-perfect performance of past Chinese electrical power plant constructions in Indonesia? And why is PLN CEO Sofyan Basir refusing to buy elecricity from a Pertamina geothermal plant, as the government has instructed?
Keywords :
Sofyan Basir , CEO PLN; Power Problems ,
Keywords :
Sofyan Basir , CEO PLN; Power Problems ,
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734 -
Tanggal Upload :
10-01-2016 -
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2016-01-11 -
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PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
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A Questionable Forest Fire Judgmen; Special Report TEMPO's Artists of 2015; Pencak Silat Kicks In; -
Short Circuit: China again gets the inside running on PLN’s new power program
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