Test of Power

Test of Power LAST year’s raid on the corporate offi ce of Maritim Timur Jaya at Tual in Maluku by members of the National Police crime investigating unit, under Comr. Gen. Budi Waseso at that time, continues to have implications. Tomy Winata, chief of the Artha Graha Group that owns Maritim, complained about the incident to the Police Professional and Security Division, triggering the ire of Budi Waseso. What instigated the dispute between the two powerful fi gures and how will it end? Is it true the clash is linked to dissatisfaction over the resolution of the Victoria Sekuritas case? Law: A PAN Governor Indicted For Corruption SOUTHEAST Sulawesi Governor Nur Alam has been officially indicted for corruption by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He is alleged to have abused his authority in issuing mining licenses in Buton and Bombana Regencies. Previous similar cases involving Nur Alam were investigated by the Attorney-General’s Office, but dropped midway. What new evidence has the KPK obtained to take up once again the threads of justice for this National Mandate Party (PAN) politician? Outreach: Life-Preserving Mangroves In Papua MOST people living along the coastal areas of Mimika Regency in Papua rely heavily on their 200,000 hectares of mangrove forests for their livelihood. Hence, the local government, with the assistance of USAID, has initiated projects to conserve the environment and improve people’s lives in a sustainable way. One example is to prevent the overexploitation of the mud crabs endemic to the area and in great demand around the country. Towards this objective, the Ohotya village chief has applied strict regulations against the abuse of mangrove forests. Tempo English reports from Papua on the occasion of International Mangrove Day on July 26.

Keywords :
Budi Waseso , Tomy Winata , ,
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    Full Edition
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Test of Power; National: Corruption At The Supreme Court; Outreach: Life-Preserving Mangroves In Papua; Law: A PAN Governor Indicted For Corruption
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Test of Power
Rp. 60.000