Save KPK

Save KPK TENSIONS are heating up at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The leaders are reported to be split over the issue of what rank of police officers should be selected to join the anti-graft body. One group, initiated by Novel Baswedan, who currently heads the investigation on the massive e-KTP corruption case, favors taking in mid-rank police officers, as opposed to more senior ones, for a variety or reasons. Is this another manifestation of the unending power struggle between the police and the KPK? Interview: Bekasi Mayor Speaks On Tolerance THE decision of Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi to defend the right of Catholics in his city to build the Santa Clara Church has triggered quite a controversy. He has been both cursed and commended for his position. But he has stuck to his principle of protecting people’s religious rights, despite the risk of losing at the next election. For his persistence, the mayor has been invited to the Vatican, as a speaker at a forum on tolerance next May. Rahmat shares his views on tolerance and his reasons for defending minority groups. Outreach: Child Brides No More CHILD marriage is a global issue because of their obstructive impact on growth and development. In Indonesia, every year, some 300,000 girls marry before they turn 18. The problem is exacerbated by Law No. 1/1974 on Marriage, which sets the minimum age of marriage at 16 for girls and 19 for boys. Such marriages strip children of their right to education and can lead to several health risks for expectant young mothers. But a campaign is underway in West Nusa Tenggara to change attitudes and the law on the minimum marriage age.

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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Save KPK; Economy: Megaprojects Halted; Law: Ntt Fishermen Sue Australian Oil Company; Interview: Bekasi Mayor Speaks On Tolerance; Outreach: Child Brides No More
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Save KPK
Rp. 60.000

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