Peatland Predicament

Peatland Economics THE polemic over peatland management has resurfaced. The lines have been drawn between the environment ministry, which aims to protect the environment and prevent forest fires and the industry ministry, which wants to ensure forestry products and palm oil remain a significant contributor to the nation's economy. Can there be a middle road that is mutually beneficial to the two equally important sectors? National: Senayan's Hand In The Bakamla Corruption Case SUSPECTED bribery involving the Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) has dragged down--yet again--a number of legislators. In court, some of the politicians from PDI-P and Golkar parties were reported to have ensured that the budget for Bakamla's procurement of a monitoring satellite was approved, reportedly for a hefty fee. Given the involvement of both civilian and military personnel, it may be necessary to try this case in a joint civilian-military Outreach: Empowering Home-based Workers AROUND 58 percent of Indonesians work in the informal sector, like domestic helpers and home-based workers. But they lack legal protection which often leads to their exploitation. The Rural Capacity Building Agency (Bitra) in North Sumatra trains home workers to form a union and negotiate better pay and workers' benefits. In South Sulawesi, the Forum on Women's Issues and the National Network for the Advocacy of Domestic Workers teach workers how to fight for their rights. A Tempo English report for International Workers Day on May 1.

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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT Tempo Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    National Bribery In Bakamla’s Procurement Projects; Interview Hasto Kristiyanto PDI-P Secretary-general.
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Peatland Predicament
Rp. 60.000

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