Future Cabinet

In less than a week, the second round of the presidential election will be held. Both Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Megawati depend on the skills of the 'inner circle' of their success team in formulating strategies. They are the closest people of the candidates, comprising of sons and daughters, siblings, former subordinates, and old friends. They also have a chance to sit in the cabinet if their candidate won the election. Who are they? What advices they offered and why SBY and Megawati fully trusted them? How do the candidates prepare for the second round of the 'battle'?

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Future Cabinet,
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  • Publisher
    TEMPO Publishing
  • Editor
    Tim Penyusun PDAT: Ismail, Asih Widiarti, Dani Muhadiansyah, Evan Koesumah
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Future Cabinet
  • PDF Version
    Rp. 85.000

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