Gua Made Masks Controversy

Wealthy Italian businessman owns hundreds of ancient Javanese masks made of ceramic and metal. They have strange forms reminiscent of aliens. Slightly smaller than a human head, they are said to date back to 1000 BC, far older than the Dong Son Bronze Age culture of Vietnam. The Italian businessman claims the masks were taken from an ancient underground tunnel in Dusun Made in the district of Kudu, which lies in the Jombang Regency of East Java, a few kilometers from Trowulan. The discovery of these masks is a puzzle for Indonesian archeologists. How did a mask made of metal thousands of years old come to be placed in a terracotta tunnel located not far from the former capital of Majapahit? Could it be that these masks are just fakes produced by some syndicate so they can sell for high prices in Europe?

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Gua Made Masks Controversy,
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  • Publisher
    TEMPO Publishing
  • Editor
    Tim Penyusun PDAT: Ismail, Asih Widiarti, Dani Muhadiansyah, Evan Koesumah
  • Subjek
    Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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Gua Made Masks Controversy
  • PDF Version
    Rp. 90.000

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