Moving On Up Society’s Middle Class

Ten years ago, who would have thought that expensive pop concerts would be sellouts in Indonesia? Or that thousands would line up from dawn to buy the latest BlackBerry or iPhone gadgets or that fine restaurants would be difficult to patronize without prior booking? The number of people with high purchasing power continues to increase. Who are they? An analytical profiling of a group seen as the country’s engine of economic growth, for their huge consumption patterns.

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Moving On Up Society’s Middle Class,
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  • Publisher
    TEMPO Publishing
  • Editor
    Tim Penyusun PDAT: Ismail, Asih Widiarti, Dani Muhadiansyah, Evan Koesumah
  • Subjek
    Bisnis & Ekonomi
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Moving On Up Society’s Middle Class
  • PDF Version
    Rp. 90.000

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