Redenominate the Rupiah for Robust and Credible

BANK Indonesia has come out with a recommendation to redenominate the rupiah. Starting in 2013, the zeros on the rupiah will be reduced by three or four digits. So, Rp1,000 in old money will be the same as Rp1 in the new money. Bank Indonesia hopes that by doing so the rupiah will look more robust and more credible, no longer like ‘monopoly’ money from a backward country. Bank Indonesia’s proposal has caused considerable debate. Some people, recalling the rupiah devaluations of 1950 and 1965, have rejected it outright, while others support the move. Bank Indonesia, it seems, wants to emulate the success of Turkey and Romania, which succeeded in cutting down the digits in their respective currencies.

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Redenominate the Rupiah for Robust and Credible,
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  • Publisher
    TEMPO Publishing
  • Editor
    Tim Penyusun PDAT: Ismail, Asih Widiarti, Dani Muhadiansyah, Evan Koesumah
  • Subjek
    Bisnis & Ekonomi
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Redenominate the Rupiah for Robust and Credible
  • PDF Version
    Rp. 85.000

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