Become a Suharto Lackey
The Concern for the Nation Functional Party (PKPB) created controversy and received criticism recently when former army chief of staff and PKPB leader, R. Hartono, appeared in front of supporters in Yogyakarta. In his oration, he claimed to be former president Suharto\'s \'lackey\'. He said that Suharto had done a great deal for this country and implored PKPB sympathizers to also become lackeys of the former strongman. What are PKPB\'s tactics in winning constituents? Where does this party collect funds, and what has been the response from other parties?
Keywords :
Suharto , Soeharto ,
Keywords :
Suharto , Soeharto ,
Views :
742 -
Tanggal Upload :
09-01-2013 -
29/04 -
Tanggal Edisi
2004-03-29 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
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Doctors In Trouble Medical Malpractice -
Become a Suharto Lackey
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