Chasing The Dragon
CHINA continues to rock. Led by a centralized communist system of politics, they built an amazing capitalist economy of their own. In the interior of China, factories operate incessantly, guaranteeing the country’s double-digit growth. ‘Made-in-China’ products now flood world markets. Its foreign exchange reserves stand at US$3.2 trillion, the biggest in the entire universe. To feed its growing industries, China has become the world’s top consumer of energy— overtaking the United States. As the Year of the Dragon rolls around, Tempo features a special report on China, and the implications of its growing infl uence on other nations, including Indonesia.
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Cina ,
Keywords :
Cina ,
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Tanggal Upload :
10-01-2013 -
22/12 -
Tanggal Edisi
2012-01-29 -
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PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
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Chasing The Dragon
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