Aceh Election Tremors

ABDULLAH Zaini and running mate Muzakir Manaf from the Aceh Party won the gubernatorial election in Aceh province. This is the fi rst time that a central fi gure of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) will govern Aceh, which ended its civil war in 2004 following the Helsinki Accord. However, controversy dogs the Aceh Party victory, given its objection to independent candidates and its threat not to take part in the polls, which would have had dire security consequences. Now reports emerge that serious negotiations and bargaining with incumbent governor Irwandi Yusuf, an independent candidate, took place prior to the polls to determine its outcome. Did powerful people in Jakarta have a hand in the Zaini-Manaf victory in Aceh?  

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Aceh Regional Elections ,
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Aceh Election Tremors
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