Strait Shooting
AFTER failing to take over the feasibility study on the Sunda Strait Bridge, the Finance Ministry plans to take over the pre-feasibility study. But the Team of Seven, whose membership comprises some cabinet ministers and whose task is to study recommendations on the fi nancing of the megaproject, is split by differing opinion. What is the furor surrounding the Rp100-trillion project which is seen as excessively expensive by experts from the November 10 Technology Institute in Surabaya?
Keywords :
Sunda Strait Bridge ,
Keywords :
Sunda Strait Bridge ,
Views :
634 -
Tanggal Upload :
06-02-2013 -
49/12 -
Tanggal Edisi
2012-08-05 -
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PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
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Strait Shooting
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