Marked Man

PRESIDENT Yudhoyono fi nally decided to mediate in the confl ict between the police and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). In no uncertain terms, the president instructed that the contentious driving simulator corruption case be fully handled by the KPK. The president also ordered that the 2004 case involving police offi cer Novel Baswedan, currently seconded to the KPK as an investigator, be shelved until a more appropriate time and when a better investigating mechanism has been found. Follow Tempo’s blow-by-blow account of the story behind the president’s decision on the police-KPK conflict.

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Novel Baswedan ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
  • Subyek
  • Cover Story
    LAW Bankrupting the Corruptors, ECONOMY Stealing from the Poor
  • Writer
Marked Man
Rp. 60.000