Shady Campaign Funds
Election campaigns are very costly. They involve many expenses that are not too clear where the sourcing comes from. The total sum collected, and the amount actually spent is not known for certain. Yet everything concerning campaign funding should be reported honestly and transparently. If this rule is broken, fraud, inequality, corruption, and eventually money politics can all too easily result. According to NGOs Transparency International Indonesia and Indonesia Corruption Watch, quite possibly this has already happened. TEMPO takes a close look at the presidential campaign funds to date.
Keywords :
The 2004 General Election ,
Keywords :
The 2004 General Election ,
Views :
722 -
Tanggal Upload :
08-02-2013 -
41/04 -
Tanggal Edisi
2004-06-21 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
Interlde Krawang, Holy City From The Past -
Shady Campaign Funds
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