Nowhere To Hide

FINALLY Anggodo Widjojo resides in jail. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has solid evidence confirming that he bribed House of Representatives (DPR) members to change the function of the Tanjung Api-Api forests. It was the project of his older brother Anggoro Widjojo, who has also been charged with corruption in the procurement of radio communication equipment for the Forestry Department. Anggodo’s recorded conversations with state prosecutors provide evidence for his indictment. However, Anggodo has in his possession evidence to question his detention. He claims he was subjected to extortion by KPK leaders. Tempo examines the evidence.

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Anggodo Widjojo ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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    Interlude Going Home for Good
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Nowhere To Hide
Rp. 60.000