Aidit and the G30S

      FOR the past 42 years he has been remembered with feelings of hatred, yet with astonishment. D.N. Aidit was only 31 when he led the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). He needed only a year or two to make the PKI one of the top four political parties in Indonesia. Aidit dreamed of a revolution, envisioning a classless Indonesian society. However, he was undone by the cataclysmic events of 1965. Just like the events of the September 30 Movement, the so-called G30S, the stories about him are filled with myths and tales. Who was the real Aidit?

Keywords :
D.N. Aidit , G30S , PKI , Partai Komunis Indonesia , Komunisme , Komunis , ,
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Aidit and the G30S
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