Cattle Call, PKS Party Head Detained In Beef Graft Case

Tempo's findings sometime ago on the involvement of PKS party elites in the allocation of imported beef quotas have now been officially verifi ed. Last week, PKS President Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq was unceremoniously arrested by KPK agents at his party headquarters, following the arrest of his crony, Olong Achmad Fadeli Luran aka Achmad Fathona, with Rp1 billion bribe money in his pockets. Arrested simultaneously were the bribers, two offi cials from beef importer Indoguna Utama. But Luthfi is unlikely to have played a lone hand. What was his role and how will this scandal affect the PKS’s chances in the 2014 elections?

Keywords :
Beef Graft Case , PKS Party ,
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Cattle Call, PKS Party Head Detained In Beef Graft Case
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