Bunda's Meat Market

SHE is powerful, persuasive and ruthless, able to infl uence ministerial appointments. Yet little was known of this mystery lobbyist who counts top government offi cials, party leaders and key businesspeople in her network, until Ridwan Hakim, a witness in the beef quota bribery case, raised her name—‘Bunda Putri’. She is seen to be the PKS main fi xer of Agriculture Ministry projects, ensuring that the party gets the lion’s share.

Keywords :
Bunda Putri , Ridwan Hakim , PKS Party , Non Saputri ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media Tbk
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  • Cover Story
    The Hollow Koba Tin Contract; Kuntoro Mangkusubroto: It's All About Greed
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Bunda's Meat Market
Rp. 60.000

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