On a Coalition Course

As voting day approaches, political parties gear up to seek partners for the inevitable political coalition. Even the PDI-P, predicted to win 20 percent of the votes, is reaching out to Islamist parties like the PKB and PAN, among others. But pundits see NasDem as the party most likely to have a serious relationship with the PDI-P, although its biggest rival, Golkar, has been making similar overtures. And then there’s the enigmatic Prabowo and his Gerindra Party, learning from defeat in the last election and now avidly courting the religious Islamic community. Surveys show only three parties emerging as the winners, albeit with not enough of a convincing win to stand alone, in the legislature as well as in the next government.

Keywords :
PDI Perjuangan , Partai Gerindra , Gerindra Party , The 2014 General Elections , Joko Widodo ,
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On a Coalition Course
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