The Rape of Jakarta Bay

The Rape of Jakarta Bay REGENT of the Thousand Islands, Tri Djoko Sri Margianto has reported to the police and the Jakarta governor, the illegal dredging of sand off the islands of Pari and Lancang, reportedly to build islands in Jakarta Bay. Owned by Kapuk Naga Indah, a subsidiary of property developer the Agung Sedayu Group, the islands are planned to be the site for new housing complexes, offi ce buildings and shopping malls. How did the sand theft escape scrutiny and how is it impacting the environment? Economy: Minnows And Sharks CONTROVERSIAL should have been Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti’s middle name. Well-intended though she may be, her tough measures have provoked the ire of everyone related to the fi sheries industry. These include smallscale fi shermen who feel deprived by her ban of trawl nets, big fi sheries companies which try to bribe her from taking legal action against them, and foreign governments angered by the sinking of their illegal fi shing boats. How will she balance environmental concerns with sustainable economic activities? Outreach: Marketing Tradition KEEPING tradition alive through sustainable enterprise is the best way of conserving culture. Through her Javara company, since 2009, Helianti Hilman, recipient of the Asian Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award at the World Economic Forum on East Asia last April, has been conserving Indonesian items and their traditional signifi cance. In Bali, Threads of Life promotes traditional textile-making in 13 islands, using only natural dyes, increasingly rare products given the fast rate of deforestation everywhere. At Lake Sentarum in West Kalimantan, the Riak Bumi Foundation has revived the Iban Dayak tribal art of rattan weaving, to produce trendy accessories. A special report by Tempo English. Horizons: Being Overseas, I See Things More Clearly She Does Things For Makassar, Indonesian Youth, Early Modern Indonesian Poetry  And Citizen Journalism, Oddly Because She Is Living Elsewhere, Namely In Melbourne, Australia.

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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    The Rape of Jakarta Bay; Economy: Minnows And Sharks; Outreach: Marketing Tradition; Horizons: Being Overseas, I See Things More Clearly
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The Rape of Jakarta Bay
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