Fighting Intolerance: Prejudice and Power in Papua

Fighting Intolerance: Prejudice and Power in Papua       The violence at Tolikara, Papua on Idul Fitri holiday has elapsed and the tension receded. But investigation must go on to seek the root cause of the conflict and action taken against the masterminds of the violence that led to death and destruction. Initial findings point to a circular issued by the Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI) banning other religions from settling in the area. But are they alone to blame? What about the police and the military who were aware of the potential blow-up but failed to secure the area? And was there any link to the Free Papua Movement (OPM)? Ex-Football Bookie Reveals Score-Fixing Bambang Suryo Wheels of Fortune Over the last two months, Herni Johan, who works as an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver, no longer has to wait long early morning hours hunting for passengers in Grogol, West Jakarta, where she lives. Since joining the Singapore-based mobile app-based transportation company, GrabBike, fi nding passengers has been a breeze.

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Papua , Tolikara ,
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Fighting Intolerance: Prejudice and Power in Papua
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