Taking Down The Oil Mafia

Taking Down The Oil Mafia A REPORT by Australian auditor KordaMentha found that fi ve employees of Pertamina Energy Services had leaked classifi ed information pertaining to the oil import tenders to certain outside parties. The forensic audit on Pertamina Energy Trading Limited (Petral) also found the strong undue infl uence of Global Energy Resources, a company linked to oil and gas trader Mohammad Riza Chalid. How did this syndicate manage to bleed the state off its oil subsidy? Interview: Energy And Mining Minister Sudirman Said AS a whistleblower exposing the rot inside state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina and most recently after reporting the greed of a key lawmaker to the DPR ethics committee, Sudirman Said has become enemy #1 to the corruptors. The question is whether he gets the proper backing in his fight against them. Outreach: Havens For Honey Bears THE illegal trade in rare and endangered Indonesian species is difficult to contain. But there are individuals and communities dedicated in saving the country’s wildlife and preserving its biological diversity. In Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, the Eco-Tourism and Environmental Training Area is a haven for honey bears, while in Lampung, Sumatra, biologist Herawati Soekardi runs the Gita Persada Park, home to 160 species of butterfl ies. One palm oil plantation in Kalimantan has dedicated a special area for orangutans. Tempo English reports on efforts to save the forest species in commemoration of National Flora and Fauna Day on November 5.

Keywords :
Petral , Pertamina , Mohammad Riza Chalid ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Taking Down The Oil Mafia; National: ISIS Trail Of Terror In Indonesia; Outreach: Havens For Honey Bears; Interview: Energy And Mining Minister Sudirman Said
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Taking Down The Oil Mafia
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