Crane Drain

Crane Drain THE Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has indicted Indonesian Port Authority II (Pelindo II) CEO R.J. Lino, who was recently fi red from his post, on suspicion of corruption over the acquisition of cranes for three ports. Lino has vehemently protested his innocence, arguing that he followed all the required procedures. The KPK is equally adamant it has the evidence against Lino, whom it gave a red mark following his nomination as a possible cabinet minister last year. Economy: Fishing Vessels And Fake Documents At the request of the KPK, the government is re-measuring tens of thousands of fi shing vessels in Indonesia. The antigraft commission found cases of markdowns at a number of harbors around the archipelago. In Belawan, North Sumatra, of 72 vessels issued operating licenses between 2011 and 2012, 96 percent of them underreported their actual tonnage, evidently to qualify for the purchase of subsidized diesel fuel. The KPK found this practice to be prevalent at ports in Pati, Batang and Tegal. Outreach: Popularizing Traditional Music Indonesia’s rich cultural diversity extends to its music. Yet the song and dance tradition, to the accompaniment of unique instruments such as the Batak taganing, the Ende lamba and the Papuan tifa, is under threat of extinction, overtaken by modern genres of music. However, well-known artists like Balawan have created ethnic fusion music to preserve their traditional heritage and to make it more popular, in particular to the youths. Early this December, Bali hosted the World Music Festival and Riau held the Hitam Putih International Festival. Last October, Medan hosted the Jong Bataks Arts Festival. Tempo English reports from North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara and Papua.

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R.J. Lino , PT Pelindo II , ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Crane Drain; Special Report: TEMPO Film Awards 2015; Law: New Evidence For Novel’s Defense; Economy: Fishing Vessels And Fake Documents; Outreach: Popularizing Traditional Music
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Crane Drain
Rp. 60.000

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