Masela Dilemma

Masela Dilemma THE long-delayed plan to build a liquefi ed natural gas rig and refi nery in Maluku faces yet another barrier: the question of whether to locate it offshore or on land. Two cabinet ministers are fighting publicly over which one is cheaper and more beneficial. It is time the President steps in and makes his decision so the project can finally be built and produce revenues for the nation and for Maluku. Law: Hotel Indonesia’s Flawed Construction Contract THE Attorney-General’s Offi ce (AGO) has recently upgraded the case concerning the suspicious contract between Hotel Indonesia Natour and Grand Indonesia from interrogation to investigation. The AGO smells corruption in the ‘build-operate-transfer’ contract that may have incurred losses to the state. For the past 30 years, the gains have only gone to the privatesector owners and shareholders. Outreach: Banking On Waste CITIES around the world produce 1.3 billion tons of garbage annually and by 2025, that number is expected to top 2.2 billion tons, said the World Bank. Indonesia is listed as the second biggest plastic trash producer, after China. Faced with the prospect of this monumental environmental disaster, efforts have started to manage the threat and to start where it counts: at schools. Their aim is to ensure that the next generation will care more about the environment, reduce waste and help save the planet. In commemoration of the National Waste Management Day on February 21, Tempo English reports on efforts to set up waste banks.

Keywords :
Masela , Sudirman Said , Rizal Ramli , ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
  • Subyek
  • Cover Story
    Masela Dilemma; Interlude: Capturing The Rare Total Eclipse; National: Corruption In The Supreme Court; Law: Hotel Indonesia’s Flawed Construction Contract; outreach: Banking On Waste
  • Writer
Masela Dilemma
Rp. 60.000

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