Reshuffle Kerfuffle

Reshuffle Kerfuffle PEOPLE close to President Joko Widodo have indicated there would be a second cabinet reorganization this March. Eight ministers are predicted to be replaced. Meanwhile, the National Mandate Party (PAN) expects a cabinet seat or two for joining the government coalition. Although Golkar has yet to declare its membership in the ruling coalition—pending the resolution of its internal confl ict—it also hopes to get a few cabinet seats. Jokowi is reportedly upset over the failure of his ministers to reduce dwelling time at ports, and has set his ire on two supposedly responsible ministers: Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Resources Rizal Ramli and Transportation Minister Jonan. Law: Capturing Convicted Cop Labora AFTER three days on the run hiding in the jungles of Papua, convicted police officer Labora Sitorus finally surrendered to the authorities, weak and tired after running out of food and water. Sentenced to 15 years in jail after he was found guilty of illegal mining and money laundering, Labora escaped when he was about to be transferred from the Sorong jail in Papua to Cipinang prison in Jakarta. Outreach: Women Keepers Of The Wetlands THERE are many ways to empower marginalized women living on coastal areas. Some can work at conserving the mangrove forests or process fruits into edible and saleable products. This is what the housewives in Tanakeke island, South Sulawesi, and the women of Pohuwato regency in Gorontalo do to earn some extra income. They live on coastal areas where large tracts of mangroves have been converted to fi sh farms. Their efforts are crucial because the wetland vegetation can absorb three times more carbon than forests on dry land. In line with the International Women’s Day on March 8, Tempo English reports on the women guardians of the environment in South Sulawesi and Gorontalo.

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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Reshuffle Kerfuffle; Economy: Streamlining E-Commerce; Interview: Eka Kurniawan Ri’s First Man Booker Prize Nominee; Law: Capturing Convicted Cop Labora; Outreach: Women Keepers of The Wetlands
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Reshuffle Kerfuffle
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