Beware The Trojan Horse

Beware The Trojan Horse THE Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found a discrepancy and Rp191.3 billion in state losses in the 2014 Jakarta administration’s purchase of the Sumber Waras Hospital property. However, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, or Ahok, who prides himself in being a stickler for regulations bristled and has denied any irregularity. Indeed, the fault may be in a difference of reference points, mere technicalities. As the accusations come just before next year’s gubernatorial elections, analysts see this as an early election gambit. National: In Service To The Party, Not The People THE recent revelation of yet another legislator—this time, a young and newly installed PDI-P lawmaker Damayanti Wisnu Putranti—found guilty of corruption raises the serious problem of political party financing. It is no secret that the illicit ‘fund raising’ that goes on in the House of Representatives (DPR) is to benefit the legislators’ party coffers. A better system of party and election fi nancing must be found if we are serious about minimizing corruption in the legislature. Outreach: Young Forest Rangers FIVE years ago, the environment and forestry ministry initiated the Bakti Rimbawan (Foresters Service) program to recruit 1,000 young foresters, carefully selected for posting to different parts of the archipelago. In addition to protecting and managing forests, the young forest rangers will conduct outreach programs to local communities on the importance of protecting the environment. Tempo English reports on two successful teams: one at Bukit Cogong in South Sumatra and another in Banjar, South Kalimantan.

Keywords :
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama; Jakarta Governor; Sumber Waras Hospital ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Beware The Trojan Horse; On The Record: Exclusive Interview President Of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev; National: In Service To The Party, Not The People; Outreach: Young Forest Rangers
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Beware The Trojan Horse
Rp. 60.000