Basuki’s Baggage

Basuki’s Baggage THE Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is questioning the legality of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s imposition of additional contributions on property developers and their land reclamation projects on Jakarta Bay. The antigraft agency claims the governor lacked the legal basis to extract the additional contributions, which he attributed to discretionary powers he is allowed to resort to when the proper regulations are lacking. The contributions he extracted from the conglomerates are not in the form of cash, but infrastructure and social development programs on the mainland. Is this just another way to fi nd fault with the ever-popular governor? PLN’s Power Play STATE electricity company PLN suddenly and inexplicably halted the bidding on the Jawa V steam power plant in Serang, Banten. The year-long process was close to the fi nal phase when it was unilateraly cancelled. Yet, the 2x1,000 MW power generator has long been expected to resolve the electricity shortages in Java by 2019. No clear explanation has been given by PLN, even though the stoppage will lead to a crisis of investor confidence and concerns of legal uncertainty, once again. Outreach: Gender-Responsive Politics IN Indonesia, the 30-percent quota guaranteed by law for women to run for public office remains difficult to fill. The number of women in the House of Representatives (DPR) today has declined from 18.2 to 17.3 percent compared to the previous term, although efforts to improve the situation are ongoing. The regencies of Sinjai and Southwest Sumba, for example, organized political trainings so they can nominate women to run for the legislative council (DPRD) seats. As the 2017 simultaneous election of regional chiefs approaches, hopes are high that more women will participate in it. Tempo English reports.

Keywords :
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Jakarta Governor , Land Reclamation Projects ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Basuki’s Baggage; Economy: PLN’s Power Play; Arts: On The Trail Of A Forger?; Outreach: Gender-Responsive Politics
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Basuki’s Baggage
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