The Russians Are Coming!
The Russians Are Coming!
IN a surprise move, Pertamina named giant Russian oil company Rosneft the winner of the bid to build a refi nery at Tuban, East Java, beating out Saudi Aramco, which was seen as the frontrunner, especially after President Jokowi met with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman. Observers noted that the process went unusually fast and was actually unfi nished when the MOU was signed. Who lobbied for Rosneft and who stands to gain from this lucrative business?
National: Nazaruddin Still Managing Projects From Jail
WHOEVER believes jail has a deterrent effect on criminals should look at convicted corruptor Muhammad Nazaruddin, who shows no sign of being rehabilitated, let alone being changed. From behind bars, the former Democrat Party treasurer continues to conduct his business, even having meetings with his staff in prison. What is Justice Minister Yasonna Laoly doing about this flagrant flaunting of the law?
Outreach: Frontier Lives
PEOPLE living around Indonesia’s border areas are poor and under-developed. According to the National Agency for Border Management (BNPP), 18.7 percent of people living below the poverty line are found in those frontier areas. Funds have been allocated and programs designed, but the remoteness of the area and scarcity of facilities, make it diffi cult to attract qualifi ed human resources to implement development activities. So efforts like those by the Indigenous Highland Peoples (FORMADAT) in Kalimantan, which improved lives of farmers at Krayan subdistrict through the sustainable production of the endemic adan rice, earned them the UNDP’s Equator Prize last month. A report from fur-fl ung provinces. PEOPLE living around Indonesia’s border areas are poor and under-developed. According to the National Agency for Border Management (BNPP), 18.7 percent of people living below the poverty line are found in those frontier areas. Funds have been allocated and programs designed, but the remoteness of the area and scarcity of facilities, make it diffi cult to attract qualifi ed human resources to implement development activities. So efforts like those by the Indigenous Highland Peoples (FORMADAT) in Kalimantan, which improved lives of farmers at Krayan subdistrict through the sustainable production of the endemic adan rice, earned them the UNDP’s Equator Prize last month. A report from fur-flung provinces.
Keywords :
Russians , Oil Company Rosneft , ,
Keywords :
Russians , Oil Company Rosneft , ,
Views :
735 -
Tanggal Upload :
05-06-2016 -
42/16 -
Tanggal Edisi
2016-06-12 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
The Russians Are Coming!; Interview: An Ex-Terrorist Speaks Out; Politics: Golkar’s Board of Ill-Repute; National: Nazaruddin Still Managing Projects From Jail; Outreach: Frontier Lives -
The Russians Are Coming!
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