The Ahok Challenge
The Ahok Challenge
REGISTRATION to run in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election will be open from Wednesday to Friday at the General Elections Commission (KPU) offi ce in Jakarta. So far, only two tickets have declared their candidacies: incumbent Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as Ahok, and Sandiaga Uno. Disappointed at the limited choices, three political parties once members of the Family Coalition have formed a new group. They tout the name of former education and culture minister Anies Baswedan. Despite these new challenges, Ahok remains the top choice, according to some surveys.
Law: The Unfairness of a Death Sentence
ZULFIQAR Ali, a Pakistani national, was sentenced to death because a convicted drug smuggler dragged his name in a case involving 300 grams of heroin. Not long ago, the smuggler withdrew his charges against Zulfiqar. The justice ministry has recommended that he be pardoned, but the police continued with the case until the Supreme Court sentenced him to be executed. Today, a movement calls for Zulfi qar’s release and an end to death sentences. Even former President Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie has stuck his neck out to save Zulfiqar.
Outreach: Solar-Powered Electricity For Remote Areas
SECOND to Papua, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is the province with the lowest access to electricity in Indonesia. Nearly half its residents live without power. But housewives at NTT have had enough. With the help of Kopernik, a foundation providing practical and environmentally friendly technology, they worked to enable families to have access to solar-powered electricity. These women have also expanded the use of biomass stoves, aiming to replace the polluting wood-burning variety that has contributed to the early deaths of 165,000 people annually in Indonesia. In the process, they also increased the availability of clean drinking water in a number of rural areas. Tempo English reports from remote areas in East Flores and Lembata, and two regencies in NTT.
Keywords :
Jakarta Regional Elections , Ahok , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Anies Baswedan , ,
Keywords :
Jakarta Regional Elections , Ahok , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Anies Baswedan , ,
Views :
976 -
Tanggal Upload :
18-09-2016 -
5/17 -
Tanggal Edisi
2016-09-25 -
Full Edition -
PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
The Ahok Challenge; Interview: Astra Ceo On Long-Term Goals & New Businesses; Law: The Unfairness of a Death Sentence; Outreach: Solar-Powered Electricity For Remote Areas -
The Ahok Challenge
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