Soe Hok Gie 1942-1969: An Unsung Hero

Soe Hok Gie 1942-1969: An Unsung Hero ACTIVIST Soe Hok Gie is synonymous with the history of student movements in Indonesia, particularly during the tumultuous period between Sukarno’s fall and Suharto’s rise, which he recorded in letters he hid, for fear of being arrested. Initially supportive of the New Order, he later questioned and  condemned the decimation of the PKI and its communist members. After his tragic death at 27, students raised Soe as their unlikely hero. Law: Kanjeng Mas King of Scams PEOPLE may claim to be smart and sensible, but many still fall for someone like Kanjeng Mas by surrendering their money in exchange for a quick money-making deal. This creative and convincing swindler fooled the high and low, the rich and poor, before he was charged with fraud and murder. How did he get away with it for so long? Outreach: Batiks Beyond Java IN 2009, Indonesian batik was designated a ‘Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’ by UNESCO. Batik has flourished since the late 1800s but, until recently, only in Java. Today, other regions in Indonesia have begun creating their own batiks, applying their own distinct artistic creations. New batiks beyond Java, from Bali, North Sumatra, Papua and other areas now fl ood the markets. Tempo English reports on the growth of the increasingly diverse batik industry.

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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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    Soe Hok Gie 1942-1969: An Unsung Hero; G30s Special Report; Law: Kanjeng Mas King Of Scams; Outreach: Batiks Beyond Java
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Soe Hok Gie 1942-1969: An Unsung Hero
Rp. 60.000