Center of The Storm

Center of The Storm EXPERTS called in by the National Police to give their opinion on the Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) blasphemy case, are divided over their conclusions. Those from the legal and language fields, believe Ahok did not commit blasphemy. But most of the religious experts say the opposite. After a nine-hour assessment, the police decided to indict the Jakarta governor for blasphemy, causing quite an upset among some of Ahok’s political allies. Meanwhile, both his proponents and opponents on the ground are closing ranks for what is next to come. Environment Bandung Underwater ONCE known as the Paris of Java, Bandung the capital of West Java could well become the Venice of Java instead, after a month-long heavy rainfall caused havoc to its infrastructure. Predictably excessive construction over green spaces traditionally reserved as water catchment areas have caused serious drainage problems. The administrations of West Java province, Bandung and surrounding regencies must work together to solve this serious environmental problem. Outreach: Protecting Peatlands, Saving Forests WHEN massive forest fires in Indonesia last year scorched a staggering 33,700 hectares of Jambi’s 600,000 hectares of peatlands, a few areas were spared because they prepared themselves well. Villagers in West Jambi built canals to keep their peatlands damp and reforested their lands. In Central Kalimantan, the Kahayan Hilir people build tabat (traditional wooden partitions) on creeks, thus maintaining the wetness of their peatlands. At a recent Peatland Gymboree, these two villages were held up as models on how to fi ght forest fires.

Keywords :
Ahok , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Governor Election , ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
  • Subyek
  • Cover Story
    Center of The Storm; Environment Bandung Underwater; Interview: Muhammadiyah Chairman Haedar Nashir; Outreach: Protecting Peatlands, Saving Forests
  • Writer
Center of The Storm
Rp. 60.000

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