The Dark Side of Social Media

The Dark Side of Social Media FALSE reports and fabricated news are spreading like a virus in cyber space. From anti-Chinese sentiments to religious issues, misleading and twisted information is getting undue attention on social media. The objective seems to be to ignite horizontal conflict and undermine the government of President Joko Widodo. Who are behind these destructive hoaxes? Special Report: TEMPO Film of The Year THE year 2016 was colored by indie films, produced with minimal budgets yet resulting in superlative stories. One among them, Istirahatlah Kata-Kata (Solo, Solitude), about poet-activist Wiji Thukul who vanished without a trace following the 1998 turbulence, was selected by Tempo as the best film of the year. The film was also chosen for best director, best actor and best actress. Outreach: Preserving Traditional Bag-Weaving INDONESIA has a rich heritage of craftwork, like the unique anjat and noken, handmade woven bags from Kalimantan and Papua, respectively. To preserve this fast-disappearing art of bag-weaving, the Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Program, helps women’s groups in East Kalimantan to continue producing anjats, while the Papua Village Foundation, or Yadupa, helps villagers to revive and maintain the almost-forgotten skill of noken weaving.

Keywords :
Social Media , Hoax ,
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    Full Edition
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    The Dark Side of Social Media; Special Report: TEMPO Film of The Year; Outreach: Preserving Traditional Bag-Weaving
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The Dark Side of Social Media
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