Why Religion Still Counts

Why Religion Still Counts IN the final leg of the Jakarta gubernatorial election, the candidates make it clear that their objective is to win over the capital’s Muslim majority vote. Incumbent Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and his running mate Djarot Saiful Hidayat as well as their opponents, Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno go all out to woo both radical and moderate Muslims, especially those among the undecided voters and the 17 percent who cast their ballots for Agus Yudhoyono, the third candidate who fell during the first round. The latest polls show them head to head in the race. Law: The Attack Against Novel Baswedan THERE is no let-up in the attacks against anti-graft investigator, Novel Baswedan. This is Baswedan’s sixth attack since he joined the KPK and the worst incidents always seem to happen when he is looking into the involvement of important public figures: the hit-and-run incident when he looked into the suspiciously fat bank account of a police general, and lately, the dawn acid attack as he probes into the Rp2.3 trillion graft involving the speaker of the House and other lawmakers. Outreach: Coastal Treasures BLESSED with more than 50,000 square meters of coral reefs and three million hectares of mangrove forests, Indonesia has a vast potential for marine ecotourism. Unquestionably, Indonesia off ers some of the most beautiful marine ecosystems in the world. This issue reports on marine ecotourism activities in North Sumatra, North Sulawesi and West Kalimantan, in conjunction with the first of Indonesia Briefing series, wich discusses the theme of Enhancing Maritime Ecotourism and Empowering Coastal Communities in the Indian Ocean Rim”, an event jointly hosted by Tempo and the Foreign Ministry.

Keywords :
Governor Election , Basuki Tjahaja Purnama , Djarot Saiful Hidayat , Anies Baswedan , Sandiaga Uno ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Why Religion Still Counts; Economy: Commotion In The Film Industry; Interview: First Local CEO Of Toyota Affiliate Company; Law: The Attack Against Novel Baswedan; Outreach: Coastal Treasures
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Why Religion Still Counts
Rp. 60.000