Infrastructure Projectsdevil In The Details
Infrastructure Projectsdevil In The Details
AFTER three years in government, President Joko Widodo is racing against time to complete his infrastructure projects. A number of them are currently being pushed through, covering various sectors, with almost all being worked on at the same time. All these activities spark public excitement, but also raise questions about the projects’ sustainability.
Keywords :
3 Tahun Jokowi , ,
Keywords :
3 Tahun Jokowi , ,
Views :
680 -
Tanggal Upload :
06-11-2017 -
12/18 -
Tanggal Edisi
2017-11-06 -
Full Edition -
PT Tempo Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
The Infrastructure Dilemma, Too Little Too Late, Hasty Move, Lost Opportunity -
Infrastructure Projectsdevil In The Details
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