Special Report : Udin 1964 - 1996 Anatomy of a Murder

A series of strange events took place just before Udin was fatally attack. Unidentified men kept watch over Udin’s home a few nights. They came to the office of the Bernas daily newspaper in Yogyakarta, looking for him. A memo written by Regent Sri Roso Sudarmo referred to the negative news reports by Udin, and people close to him claim to have had eerie and strange experiences, just days before his death. There are two major scenarios: love and authoritarianism. The former was initiated by police, and the latter is the prevailing conviction in society. Both are contaminated by fiction. When his family asked for a sample of blood for a forensic investigation, the police claimed it had all been thrown out to sea. Udin’s wife refuses to accept the results of the investigation.

Keywords :
Kasus Pembunuhan , Kasus Pembunuhan Udin Bernas , Fuad Muhammad Syafruddin , ,
  • Views : 1.114
  • Uploaded on : 11-11-2014
  • Edisi : 2019-01-23
  • Editor : PDAT
  • Bahasa : Inggris
  • Penulis : Tempo
  • Jumlah Halaman :26
Special Report : Udin 1964 - 1996 Anatomy of a Murder
Rp. 120.000