The Accused Al Qaeda Indobomber?

Fathur Rahman Al-Ghozi was arrested by police in the Philippines in possession of a ton of explosives. According to police, the Indonesian known to some as "Mike the Bomb Maker" was involved in the 2000 bombing of a Metro Manila train station. Fathur, a member of Jamaah Islamiyah, is also accused of involvement in a radical regional movement. He is believed to be a bomb consultant for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Previously, this son of Mojorejo, Madiun, East Java, was a student at the Al Mukmin Islamic boarding school in Ngruki, Sukoharjo, led by Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. Is it true that both he and Ba'asyir, also sought by the Malaysian government, are members of a radical Malaysia-based terrorist movement?

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Fathur Rahman AI-Ghozi ,
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The Accused Al Qaeda Indobomber?
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