Mulyana Speaks Out
GENERAL Elections Commission (KPU) member Mulyana W. Kusumah was arrested by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) officials in a Jakarta hotel room on the evening of April 8 for attempting to bribe a Supreme Audit Agency auditor. It is unclear at this stage whether the KPU as a whole, not just Mulyana, was trying to bribe the agency, but he is now speaking out in an attempt to clarify the confusion. Was the arrest entrapment by the KPK so that they can investigate corruption within the KPU? And who is the next target should Mulyana decide to "sing"?
Keywords :
Mulyana W Kusumah , General Elections Commission , KPU ,
Keywords :
Mulyana W Kusumah , General Elections Commission , KPU ,
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777 -
Tanggal Upload :
09-01-2013 -
33/05 -
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2005-04-25 -
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Mulyana Speaks Out
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