Peace in Aceh, Uproar in Jakarta
HOPES for peace among the people of Aceh came a step closer to reality when the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in Helsinki on August 15. Upon reading the MoU, however, relief is turning to concern. The price to end the Free Aceh Movement's (GAM) armed conflict could turn out to be quite high. Moreover, the implementation of the agreement may not ensure a smooth path to peace...
Keywords :
Free Aceh Movement , GAM ,
Keywords :
Free Aceh Movement , GAM ,
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652 -
Tanggal Upload :
08-02-2013 -
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Tanggal Edisi
2005-08-29 -
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PT TEMPO Inti Media - Subyek -
Cover Story
Cheng Ho China's Master And Commander -
Peace in Aceh, Uproar in Jakarta
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