BI-DPR. Bankrolling the House

      PASKAH Suzetta’s role in the scandal of Bank Indonesia funds flow to House of Representatives (DPR) members is starting to come to light. Hamka Yandhu, member of the DPR Banking Commission, accused him of playing a major role in channeling the Rp31 billion funds. The State Minister for National Development Planning/National Development Planning Board Chairman is suspected to be the one who arranged the allotment for each Commission member. The funds were then distributed by Hamka Yandhu and Anthony Zeidra Abidin, DPR members now also detained.

Keywords :
Paskah Suzetta , Hamka Yandhu , Anthony Zeidra Abidin ,
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BI-DPR. Bankrolling the House
Rp. 60.000