Peddle Pushing

THERE is no question of collusion and corruption in the project to build an integrated sports complex on 31.2 hectares at the foothills of Hambalang Hills in Bogor, West Java. The backdoor scheming actually began before the contract on the multi-billion rupiah project— initiated by the Youth and Sports Ministry—was approved by the Finance Ministry. Fees and commissions were discussed, debated and eventually disbursed to many personal pocketbooks. This megaproject has now come to a grinding halt, as the anti-graft commission looks into the many irregularities and violations discovered by a state audit.

Keywords :
Hambalang Case , Corruption , ,
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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    Investigation: Bird Flu Vaccine, Victim Of Corruption; Outreach: Fruitful Enterprises
  • Writer
Peddle Pushing
Rp. 60.000

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