Portaits Of Courage

These Are The People Who Make It Possible For Scandals And Corruption Cases To Be Exposed. Take Asian Agri’s Tax Evasion Case, The Questionable Acquisition Of Driving Simulators By The Police And The Traveler’s Checks Bribery Scandal. This Is The Story Of Tempo’s Eight Selected Men And Women Who Chose To Walk The Double-Edged Sword In Battling Corruption As Whistleblowers And Justice Collaborators. Danger Stalks Them And A Thankless Public Condemns Them. Kudos To These Brave Anticorruption Combatants.

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    Full Edition
  • Copyright
    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    On The Record Fareed Zakaria; A Year-End Special Issue
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Portaits Of Courage
Rp. 60.000