About Face

About Face THEY have been together less than half a year, but there are signs Vice President Jusuf Kalla and President Joko Widodo no longer appear lovey-dovey in public. One reason has been the establishment of the Presidential Staff Offi ce, led by Luhut Binsar Panjaitan. What does he fi nd wrong with this Indonesian version of The West Wing and what does Luhut say about his powerful new position? Tempo collects the buzz from different sources to understand the dynamics of palace politics   Interview: Central Bank Governor Agus Martowardojo: We Should Be Alert But Not Worried THE rupiah continues to plunge, leveling at the lowest ever since 1998. Businesses are worried, demanding the government does something to keep it afl oat. But this seemingly pessimistic scenario is not worrying Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo. What is he not telling us?   OUTREACH : BENEFITS OF BAMBOO INDONESIA is the world’s third-largest producer of bamboo, yet it is not cultivated, but often left to grow wild. Given its increasing appeal, however, some enterprising farmers like Pande Ketut Diah in Bali, have begun planting hectares of bamboo groves and persuaded 460 other farmers to develop different varieties of bamboo shoots. Meanwhile at Sangihe Island in North Sulawesi, Agustinus Sasundu created instruments made of bamboo for an entire orchestra. Today, the newly established Nusantara Bamboo Academy in West Java provides information on cultivating bamboo and on techniques of producing crafts and utensils made of bamboo. A special report by Tempo English.

Keywords :
President Indonesia , Joko Widodo , Jusuf Kalla , Vice President ,
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    Full Edition
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    About Face; Economy: The Fallen Rupiah; Arts & Culture: Interpreting Diponegoro; Outreach: Benefits Of Bamboo
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About Face
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