The Seven Month Itch

The Seven Month Itch THE recent PDI-P congress in Bali clearly showed that not all is well with the president and the political party, specifi cally between Jokowi and party chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri. Mega’s speech at the opening of the event sharply criticized the government and Jokowi’s policies, and although he had prepared a two-page speech, Jokowi was never given the chance to share it publicly. It was not in the congress agenda. How damaging is this rift between Jokowi and Mega, and what will the president do to reestablish ties?   Special Report : Top Women CEOS WOMEN who succeed in reaching the top of the corporate ladder have what it takes—guts, gumption and tenacity. They have had to overcome numerous obstacles even before they take on the cut-throat world of business. Not surprisingly, when women lead, businesses tend to grow by leaps and bounds, even when they step into domains traditionally held by men. Eleven Indonesian women CEOs selected here are the legacy of Kartini—the revered emancipator of Indonesian women’s rights and who is commemorated every April.   Outreach: Community Forestsin  Indonesia, not many residents of forest areas are masters of their own lands. They are banned from cultivating their plots, in the interests of conservation, even though there are other optional pieces of land. At Sesaot, West Nusa Tenggara, and Tri Budi Syukur village in West Lampung, the population had to struggle to obtain their right to cultivate in parts of their forest areas. They fi nally achieved this right, with the provision they do not destroy the environment. This has led to positive results. The welfare of local populations improved while the forests remain protected. A Tempo English report to commemorate International Forestry Day on March 21.

Keywords :
Joko Widodo , Megawati Soekarnoputri , PDI Perjuangan , PDIP ,
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    PT TEMPO Inti Media
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  • Cover Story
    The Seven Month Itch; Special Report: Women CEOs; Outreach: Community Forestsin
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The Seven Month Itch
Rp. 60.000