Mine Over Matter: Power Postings At The Mining And Energy Ministry

Mine Over Matter: Power Postings At The Mining And Energy Ministry Two director-general positions at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry may have been the proxy battlefield between the big powers. Vested interest may be  behind the tug-of-war to place their respective candidates in the two hot seats. Is it a continuing rivalry between President Joko Widodo and his deputy Jusuf Kalla? Whoever gets the job will control a very lucrative source of revenue. National Another Wrongful Arrest Of a KPK Figure The arrest of KPK investigator Novel Baswedan is rife with irregularities: from the reconstruction of the alleged crime to the confiscation of items irrelevant to the case.   Why is the police so unrelenting about arresting Novel? Outreach: Sumba’s Renewable Energy Program Thousands of people living in Indonesia’s outer islands and remote villages still live without electricity, an essential element to escape the trappings of poverty. But there is hope yet if the Sumba Iconic Island renewable energy program in East Nusa Tenggara province succeeds. In Sumba island, the government is setting  up a renewable energy project that is affordable and accessible to people living in remote areas. What are the problems faced in its implementation and what  has the project achieved so far? Tempo English visited Sumba last April and witnessed the launching of the micro-hydro electricity generator at La Au in East Sumba.   

Keywords :
Jokowi , Jusuf Kalla , Mining And Energy Ministry ,
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    PT. TEMPO Inti Media
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    National Another Wrongful Arrest Of a KPK Figure; Outreach: Sumba’s Renewable Energy Program
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Mine Over Matter: Power Postings At The Mining And Energy Ministry
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